To work in service (0432) 555-888 (VINNITSA), Set this App.
To work in service (0432) 555-888 (Vinnitsa), Set this App
To work in the service (0432) 555-888 (Vinnitsa), install this application and already start the work!
The application is simple in managing and understanding your mutual settlements with a taxi service.
Installation and registration process:
1) Download and install the application
2) Contact the service by phone 0432555888
3) receive your personal login and password
4) Enjoy the orders completed
The application is absolutely safe - no one can use your username and password on another device.
The application is absolutely transparent - you yourself can monitor the state of your account, as well as the commissions written off from you
If you have problems finding the address, then directly from the application you can go to the navigation application.
Work in the Euro-Taxi service is a work in a pleasant team with good leadership, pleasant and responsive dispatchers. These are post -order orders (up to 1000 orders per day). These are regular passengers and small commissions.